Bupyeong High School

Bupyeong High School
  • Kadergröße: 0
  • Durchschnittsalter: 0,0
  • Legionäre: -
  • A-Nationalspieler: 0
  • Stadion: -
  • Akt. Transferbilanz: +-0

Kader Bupyeong High School

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Spieler/Position Verein Ablöse
Do-uk Kang Do-uk Kang Offensives Mittelfeld
Incheon United
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Zu-/Abgänge Ablöse
Einnahmen 1 0
Ausgaben 0 0
Gesamtbilanz +-0
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Daten & Fakten

Offizieller Vereinsname: Bupyeong High School Football Club Anschrift:
Buheungbuk-ro 4, Bupyeong-gu
21356 Incheon
Tel: +82 526 3204 Fax: +82 32 5150782 Homepage: Gründung: 02.03.1982
The Bupyeong High School (부평고등학교) is a public secondary school (grades 10-12 high school) for boys in South Korea, which is located in Bupyeong-dong, Bupyeong-gu, Incheon. The BHS was opened on March 6, 1972. In 2018, the Bupyeong High School Football Club (부평고등학교 축구단) became the champion of the National High School Football League sponsored by the president of Republic of Korea. It was the 6th champion title. In 2019, the Bupyeong High School Ssireum Club became the high school champion team of the Haksan National Ssireum League.
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