Amnokgang SC

Amnokgang SC
  • Kadergröße: 21
  • Durchschnittsalter: 29,6
  • Legionäre: 0   %
  • A-Nationalspieler: 3
  • Stadion: -
  • Akt. Transferbilanz: +-0

Daten & Fakten

Amnokgang SC
Offizieller Vereinsname: Amnokgang Sports Club
Pyongyang (Einwohner: 2.870.000)
Gründung: 19.11.1947
Weitere Sportarten: Women football team
Amnokgang Sports Club is a North Korean multi-sports club based in Pyongyang.
Affiliated with the Ministry of People's Security, it was founded on 19 September 1947.

The club is best known for its men's and women's football teams. The men's football team presently plays in the DPR Korea Premier League, and in various domestic cup competitions. They won several competitions in the 1960s, and won national titles in 2001, 2006, and 2008.

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Amnokgang SC