
Dongwon Institute of Science and Technology

Dongwon Institute of Science and Technology
  • Kadergröße: 0
  • Durchschnittsalter: 0,0
  • Legionäre: -
  • A-Nationalspieler: 0
  • Stadion: -
  • Akt. Transferbilanz: +-0

Daten & Fakten

Dongwon Institute of Science and Technology
Offizieller Vereinsname: Dongwon Institute of Science and Technology
Anschrift: 명곡로 321(명곡동)
50578 Yangsan, Gyeongnam (Einwohner: 352.421)
Tel: +82 055-370-8100
Fax: +82 055-370-2000
Gründung: 19.12.1990
Dongwon Institute of Science and Technology (동원과학기술대학교) is a private college located in Yangsan City, South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea. It was called Yangsan College until August 2013.